there are as many good futures as there are stars in the sky

what is a good future?

good futures collective believes in many possible good futures, all sharing common foundations:

A good future recognizes the earth as a living female organism - our mother

A good future honours the sacredness of all living beings

A good future amplifies awe and the understanding of our collective interconnectedness 

our collective

our collective acts as a bridge between community led action, academia and policy makers to multi-solve challenges at the intersection of the climate crisis, social inequity and public health.

bringing together expertise in human rights, community building, environmentalism, behavioural science, design thinking and speculative fiction, we co-create futures through local community building, trans-national program design, implementation and evaluation.

recent learnings

what kind of future are you dreaming toward?

“Alone a youth runs fast, with an elder slow, but together they go far.”

Luao proverb